🌞 The American Flag's Origins

Daily Upsider - Monday, January 22nd, 2024

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

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Today’s Upside

U.S News

The 50-Star American Flag's Humble Origins


In 1958, amidst the 48-state America, Bob Heft, a high schooler inspired by Betsy Ross, took on a class project to redesign the U.S. flag in anticipation of Alaska and Hawaii joining the Union. Despite his meticulous layout of 50 stars, his teacher dismissed it with a B minus, claiming Heft was clueless about the current number of states.

Undeterred, Heft saw an opportunity. Determined to prove the worth of his design, he embarked on a two-year journey, lobbying Washington and even enlisting the support of his state representative. His persistence paid off when President Eisenhower selected his 50-star flag out of a thousand submissions. On July 4th, 1960, Heft witnessed his school project transform into the official American flag at the White House. In 2007, it became the longest-running U.S. flag, and yes, his grade was finally upgraded to an A.

Not one to rest, Heft looked ahead and crafted a 51-star design, just in case Washington, DC, or Puerto Rico attained statehood. Though he passed away in 2009, his legacy remains. So if D.C. or Puerto Rico becomes a state, Heft's foresight might yet again reshape the stars and stripes!

Betsy Ross’ U.S. flag design


Honda Unveils Future-Forward EV Lineup

Courtesy: Honda

At the CES tech conference, Honda presented two concept cars, the "Space-Hub" and "Saloon," providing a sneak peek into their forthcoming electric vehicle (EV) lineup set to launch in North America by 2026.

The inaugural model in the new "Honda 0 Series" EV range will draw inspiration from these concepts, aligning with Honda's commitment to the principles of being "Thin, light, and wise." Honda CEO Toshihiro Mibe emphasized the goal of creating value and advancing mobility experiences.

The initial model, based on the Saloon concept, is slated for release in North America, followed by rollouts in other regions. The Saloon features a futuristic design with neon lighting, a redesigned Honda "H," and a minimalistic digital cockpit. Entry is facilitated by a falcon wing door opening from the roof.

The Space-Hub, a larger minivan/shuttle variant, shares design elements with the Saloon. Both concepts suggest a focus on autonomous driving, indicated by retractable steering yokes.

Honda's 0 Series will debut with an advanced driver-assistive system, followed by a subsequent automated driving (AD) system. Developed under the "human-centric" safety concept, the AD system incorporates advanced AI, sensing, recognition, and driver monitoring technologies for more natural and precise risk predictions during autonomous driving.

While specific specifications are undisclosed, Honda projected fast-charging capabilities for the 0 Series models in the late 2020s. The EVs aim to charge from 15% to 80% battery capacity in approximately 10 to 15 minutes.


89-year-old Saves Believed-Extinct Language of Indigenous People

Mr. Blas Jaime in 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0. Damiantorko

Blas Jaime, the last Chanå language speaker in Argentina, faced the challenge of reviving a nearly extinct indigenous language. Known as 'Lanték,' Chanå belongs to the Charruan language family, characterized by its quiet, throaty nature.

Retired and 71 years old, Jaime, initially unaware of the absence of fellow speakers, took action after attending an indigenous fair. Realizing the urgency of preserving his people's heritage, he engaged in various initiatives, including documentaries, a TedTalk, and even featuring in a children's cartoon to raise awareness about ChanĂĄ.

Jaime collaborated with linguist Pedro Viegas Barros, dedicating years to compile a Chanå dictionary with over 1,000 words and documenting rituals and folklore. UNESCO acknowledged his work, pointing out the global need to protect endangered languages like Lanték.

Serena Heckler, a UNESCO program specialist, stressed the importance of integrating these languages into people's identities, recognizing their distinct grammatical structures and ways of thinking.

Evangelina Jaime, Blas's daughter, revealed a generational practice of maintaining a low profile that came as a result of colonialism “It was passed down from generation to generation: Don’t cry. Don’t show yourself. Don’t laugh too loudly. Speak quietly. Don’t say anything to anyone” she said.
Evangelina now referred to as Tató Oyendén, inherited Chanå from her father and teaches it online to a diverse audience, including potential descendants in Argentina and Uruguay.


Farmer Restores Creeks to Prevent Flooding

James Robinson, a generational farmer from Cumbria, UK, collaborates with Ullswater Catchment Management CIC to convert parts of his farm into wetland areas, witnessing a resurgence of wildlife and effective flood mitigation.

Addressing the widespread issue of flooding in the UK, often worsened by centuries-old canalization of waterways, farmers like Robinson work to reverse this by restoring meandering streams, reducing water velocity.

Ullswater CIC's stream restoration model gains traction across regions like Glenridding, Windermere, West and South Cumbria, and Ullswater. The CEO, Danny Teasdale, notes the growing interest and local benefits, including employment opportunities.

Strickley Farm, Robinson's ancestral land, previously faced flooding issues. By re-meandering streams, creating ponds, and planting trees, the area now thrives with diverse life, including dragonflies, snipe, and even a barn owl not seen for 40 years.

Apart from flood control, restoring natural watercourses offers environmental advantages, such as carbon sequestration. A significant UK study shows improved biodiversity on rewilded farms without compromising yields, attributing it to various ecosystem services, including natural pest control.

Our brains are easily distracted, and attention spans are decreasing. Productivity systems are crucial to stay focused and accomplish tasks efficiently. These systems help organize and prioritize work, making task management more streamlined.

Personal Kanban is a popular productivity technique known for its simplicity. It involves categorizing a to-do list into three sections:

  • To do/Backlog: Tasks that require attention soon.

  • In progress/Doing: Tasks currently being worked on.

  • Done: Completed tasks.

This method relies on visual organization, providing users with a clear overview of their work. It follows two fundamental rules:

Visualize your Work
Limit your Work in Progress (WIP)


  • Strong visualization

  • Easy implementation and management

  • Simple progress tracking


  • Overwhelming for lengthy task lists

  • Difficult to scale

  • Not suitable for multi-level projects

Mind Stretchers 


Forrest left home running. He ran a ways and then turned left, ran the same distance and turned left again, ran the same distance and turned left again. When he got home, there were two masked men. Who were they?

The answer to yesterday’s Mind Stretcher was:
A Needle! đŸȘĄ 

Albert Knox came in first with his answer!
Chris Hostetler came in with an interesting alternative answer, which was “hurricane”. Not the answer we were looking for, but a good one nonetheless.

Be the first to send us the correct answer for today’s mind stretcher for a shout-out with the answer tomorrow. Just send us the answer and your name to [email protected] or reply to this email.

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