🌞 Bitcoin’s Reputation is Changing

Daily Upsider - Wednesday, March 27th, 2024

Wednesday, March 27th, 2024

Good Morning! 🌞 

Sadly, I am quite crushed by the fact that March 25th was Tolkien reading day. I missed it and only realized yesterday.

If you missed it like I did, perhaps we can sit down this weekend and make up for it.

If you have never ready any Tolkien, I would highly recommend it. If you want an easy and fun read, I would start with The Hobbit. If you like reading then The Lord of the Rings is a classic. One of my favorite ways of “reading” is to listen to the audio book.

Also, have you ever wondered what the elves are actually saying when they are singing in the movies? If you are curious, then here is one of the beautiful songs.

Today’s Upside


Bitcoin’s Reputation is Changing

Bitcoin's reputation as a highly volatile asset may be diminishing, as noted by Matt Hougan from Bitwise Asset Management. He points out that the cryptocurrency's price fluctuations have significantly decreased over the last decade. Speaking to CNBC's "ETF Edge," Hougan attributed the current market dynamics to a straightforward demand-supply imbalance, exacerbated by the recent introduction of Bitcoin ETFs, which have led to a surge in demand against a backdrop of fixed supply.

The inauguration of the first Bitcoin exchange-traded funds on January 11 marked a pivotal moment, contributing to a more than 50% increase in Bitcoin's value since their launch. Recently, Bitcoin approached an unprecedented peak, nearing $74,000.

However, Hougan also noted that Bitcoin might not appeal to everyone due to its price volatility and complexity.

While Bitwise is optimistic about Bitcoin's continued growth, ProShares has introduced a Short Bitcoin Strategy ETF aimed at capitalizing on Bitcoin's potential losses. This ETF has seen a decline of 42% this year and nearly 70% over the past twelve months.

ProShares’ Simeon Hyman, in response to critiques, humorously invoked Mark Twain, “To quote Mark Twain, ‘The reports of our death have been quite exaggerated,‘” Hyman told CNBC. “We’re happy to be here, and we think we’re serving as a key alternative.”

Hyman further commented on the sustained interest in Bitcoin, independent of the recent ETF launches, and highlighted the increasing attention from long-term investors seeking diversification and asset allocation. ProShares also has a long-bitcoin ETF.

World News

Notre Dame’s New Spire Revealed

Notre Dame aflame during 2019, Photo by Nivenn Lanos on Unsplash

AP News just released a time-lapse showing the reveal of Notre Dame’s new spire.

Work to repair the wondrous cathedral has been ongoing since the devastating fire that happened in April 2019.

Check out the time lapse using the link down below.


Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito to Team Up Again

Mike Blake/Reuters

Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger are set to collaborate once more in an upcoming film project. The duo, known for their roles as brothers in the 1988 film "Twins," recently reunited at the Oscars, where they entertained the audience with a bit about their portrayals of "Batman" villains.

In a recent interview with CNN, DeVito shared insights into their enduring friendship, which predates their work on "Twins." He expressed excitement about their forthcoming project.

Reflecting on their surprise appearance at the Oscars, DeVito mentioned the joy of keeping it under wraps until the event and the warm reception they received.

Regarding their new venture, DeVito mentioned that the project is currently in the writing phase, expressing optimism about the script's development.

In the meantime, DeVito remains busy with other commitments, including his role on "Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and his recent work in the animated film "Migration." Additionally, he's gearing up for a special performance of "Matilda" at the State Theater in New Brunswick, N.J.

DeVito's fondness for "Matilda" stems from the time he spent working on the film when his children were young. He looks forward to the live performance, where he will narrate the movie and reprise his role as Wormwood, alongside fellow cast members Rhea Pearlman and Mara Wilson.


Volunteers Plant Million Moss Cuttings to Restore English Bog

Photos by RSPB

Located atop a hill in Oldham, Manchester county, a reservoir was surrounded by barren peat bogs. Rainwater would swiftly collect and carry silt, resulting in degraded river conditions.

Moreover, the absence of ground cover heightened flood risks for nearby communities as water freely flowed into the reservoir and down hillsides onto roads.

To address these issues, volunteers from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, alongside landowner United Utilities, tirelessly worked for ten years in various weather conditions, primarily rain and wind, planting sphagnum moss. This area had suffered from vegetation loss since ancient times.

On a rainy and windy Wednesday, the volunteers celebrated reaching a milestone by planting their one-millionth cutting.

"We aim to restore a landscape that sequesters carbon, mitigates flood risks, supports biodiversity, and promotes health and well-being benefits," remarked site manager Kate Hanley to the Oldham Times. Hanley noted that the volunteers collectively contributed over 45,000 hours, equivalent to 20,000 labor hours.

"We've made significant progress from the bare, degraded peatland a decade ago to a functional blanket bog abundant with sphagnum," Hanley added.

Additionally, peat and rock dams were installed to trap water and provide habitats for birds, amphibians, and insects. "We wanted to restore the area to its former state, benefiting wildlife, birds, and mountain hares," explained 71-year-old volunteer Denzil Broadhurst to the Times. "It was important to contribute to improving the environment."

Intermittent Fasting for Beginners

Intermittent fasting (IF) is an increasingly popular eating pattern that revolves around cycles of eating and fasting. Unlike traditional diets, IF focuses not on what you eat, but rather when you eat. There are several common methods of intermittent fasting:

  1. 16/8 Method: This involves fasting for 16 hours each day and confining your eating to an 8-hour window, often skipping breakfast and consuming meals between noon and 8 pm.

  2. 5:2 Diet: With this method, you eat normally for five days a week and restrict calorie intake to around 500-600 calories on two non-consecutive days.

  3. Eat-Stop-Eat: This approach consists of fasting for a complete 24-hour period once or twice a week.

  4. Alternate-Day Fasting: Here, you fast every other day, either by consuming nothing at all or drastically reducing calorie intake.

Intermittent fasting (IF) has gained popularity for its potential health benefits and simplicity. If you're new to IF, here's a condensed guide to get you started:

  1. Choose Your Method: Pick an IF method that aligns with your lifestyle. Begin with a manageable approach and adjust gradually.

  2. Start Slowly: Ease into fasting by gradually increasing your fasting window over time. Begin with a shorter fasting period and extend it as your body adapts.

  3. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water during fasting periods to stay hydrated. Non-caloric beverages like herbal tea and black coffee can help curb hunger.

  4. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to fasting. If you experience adverse effects, consider adjusting your schedule or consulting a healthcare professional.

  5. Be Flexible: Modify your fasting schedule as needed to accommodate special occasions or events.

Breaking Your Fast:

  1. Start Gradually: Begin with small, easily digestible meals or snacks to avoid overwhelming your digestive system.

  2. Focus on Nutrient-Dense Foods: Choose foods rich in essential nutrients to nourish your body after fasting.

  3. Avoid Overeating: Practice mindful eating and stop when you feel satisfied to prevent overeating.

  4. Hydrate: Rehydrate your body by drinking plenty of water or other hydrating beverages.

  5. Monitor Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to breaking the fast and adjust your eating habits accordingly.

Fasting offers diverse health benefits, including weight management, blood sugar regulation.
Methods like intermittent fasting and alternate-day fasting show potential for improving insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation. Additionally, fasting is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, improved lipid profiles, and enhanced brain function. It may also increase metabolism and promote weight loss while boosting human growth hormone levels, essential for overall health and muscle strength.

Remember, IF may not be suitable for everyone, so consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or fasting regimen, especially if you have underlying health concerns.

Why did the Easter egg hide?

Yesterday’s Answer:
A deck of cards

Albert Knox got the correct answer first!

Be the first to send us the correct answer for today’s mind stretcher for a shout-out with the answer tomorrow. Just send us the answer and your name to [email protected]

From the Community

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