🌞 Bullet Trains Coming Back?

Daily Upsider - Thursday, March 21st, 2024

Thursday, March 21st, 2024

Good Morning! 🌞 

The Earth's Atmosphere is Heavier Than You Think: While we often perceive air as being weightless, the Earth's atmosphere actually exerts significant pressure. At sea level, the atmospheric pressure is approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch (1 kilogram per square centimeter). This means that the average person is carrying a pressure force of around 14,700 pounds (6,700 kilograms) on their body due to the weight of the air above them.

Today’s Upside


Bullet Trains Coming Back?

Despite extensive research and discussions on the topic for decades, the United States still lacks true high-speed rail services. Since the late 1980s, there have been efforts to introduce bullet train service in Texas, with Texas Central spearheading the most ambitious project since 2014. This project aims to connect Dallas and Houston with a train capable of speeds over 200 miles per hour, significantly reducing the current three-and-a-half-hour drive to just 90 minutes.

Andy Byford, Amtrak’s senior vice president of high-speed rail programs, emphasized the advantage over conventional travel methods, saying, “You cannot do that in a car. You cannot do that if you fly, if you factor in going to the airport, going through security, getting back in from the airport at the other end.”

In 2023, Amtrak sought to rekindle the high-speed rail project within the Texas Triangle, aiming to enhance connectivity between Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston, which are among the nation's largest population centers.

The debate over high-speed rail accompanies broader transportation challenges, with alternatives such as expanding airports or highways failing to significantly reduce travel times. Congressman Seth Moulton, formerly associated with Texas Central, articulated this dilemma, stating, “If you don’t build high-speed rail between Dallas and Houston, then you only have two options. You can either expand the airport or expand the highway. It’s not going to decrease the travel time between those cities. It’s still going to take at least three hours to get between Dallas and Houston.”

Despite the clear benefits, the project does have several drawbacks, including regulatory and property rights issues. Financially, the endeavor is daunting, with an estimated cost of $33.6 billion. High-speed rail projects globally, like Japan’s Tokaido Shinkansen, have faced cost overruns, raising questions about economic feasibility. However, the project has attracted significant support, including a $300 million loan from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation and a study grant for potential Amtrak partnership.

If satisfactory solutions are found for these problems, high-speed passenger rail could be a huge positive for those living in the area.


On this Day: ‘Rebecca’ Premiered in Florida

On March 21, 1940, Alfred Hitchcock's film "Rebecca," based on Daphne du Maurier's book, premiered in Miami, Florida, starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine. It received eleven nominations at the 13th Academy Awards, the most that year, and won two awards: Best Picture and Best Cinematography.

This made it Hitchcock's only film to win the Best Picture category. In 2018, the Library of Congress selected "Rebecca" for preservation in the United States National Film Registry, recognizing its cultural, historical, and aesthetic significance.

Eighty years after its debut, the film has been recreated and is now available on Netflix.

US News

California Family Amazingly Survives Plane Crash

A family from Northern California experienced a harrowing incident when their plane was forced to make an emergency crash landing in Mendocino County's wooded area earlier this month due to engine failure.

The Mendocino County Sheriff's Office reported that the family, consisting of a man, a woman, and their 2-year-old child from Santa Rosa, had just departed from Shelter Cove Airport, which is located approximately 170 miles northwest of their hometown.

Shortly after takeoff, the aircraft, a single-engine plane, encountered a critical loss of power, leading to a rapid descent. In a swift decision by the pilot, a parachute system was deployed, which significantly slowed the descent, allowing for a relatively soft crash-landing in the woods.

Miraculously, all passengers emerged from the ordeal with only minor injuries.


2024 Skeleton World Cup

Daria Tarasova-Markina/CNN

Lake Placid, a popular spot for winter sports, is getting ready for an intense competition as the BMW IBSF Bobsled and Skeleton World Cup comes to town from March 21 to 23, 2024. This town, located in the Adirondack Mountains and a two-time Olympic venue, will be hosting a tough exhibition of speed, skill, and precision on its well-known icy tracks.

The 2023–24 Skeleton World Cup, also called the BMW IBSF Skeleton World Cup, marks the 38th edition for men and the 28th for women in this challenging international race series. Organized by the International Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation (IBSF), this multi-race season highlights the demanding nature of the sport.

Athletes from around the world are gearing up for the difficulties presented by Lake Placid's infamous track. Navigating through twists and turns, they'll be pushing their limits to reach speeds exceeding 80 miles per hour. Conquering the frozen track requires not only physical strength but also unwavering mental focus.

The stakes are raised as Lake Placid is set to host the IBSF World Championships in 2025, making this World Cup a preview of the main event. This year's competition serves as a gritty sneak peek, with the world's top bobsledders and skeleton athletes testing their skills on this challenging course.

For those who can't be present at the venue, the official livestream ensures that you won't miss any of the action!

Companies that Care Day!

Today marks National Companies That Care Day, a significant occasion established by the Center for Companies That Care. This day serves as a platform to recognize and commend companies and employers who prioritize the well-being of their employees.

At its core, Companies That Care Day promotes social responsibility among employers across the nation. It underscores the importance of embodying the 10 Characteristics of Socially Responsible Employers, urging businesses to place emphasis on employee welfare and community engagement. This initiative resonates deeply with the historical concept of workers' rights, tracing back to ancient civilizations such as the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi.

Over time, the notion of workers' rights has evolved to encompass fundamental human rights, including protection against discrimination and the provision of safe working conditions. International agreements such as the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights further delineate standards for upholding workers' rights on a global scale.

Mind Stretchers


I can fly without wings, cry without eyes, but wherever I go, darkness follows me closely. What am I?

Yesterday’s Answers to the Mind Stretchers:
A grudge 😠 

Shout-out goes to Jennye Smith for getting the correct answer first

Be the first to send us the correct answer for today’s mind stretcher for a shout-out with the answer tomorrow. Just send us the answer and your name to [email protected] or reply to email.

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