🌞 ChatGPT 5?

Daily Upsider - Thursday, March 14th, 2024

Thursday, March 14th, 2024

Good Morning! 🌞 

The future will be crazy! Check out this mind blowing video on Sora Ai, the new Open AI product that creates AI generated videos. I don’t know if I should feel scared or excited at what they have created…

Today’s Upside


ChatGPT 5?

There has been no official release of detailed information about ChatGPT-5 by OpenAI yet, but there are some fascinating details and hints about what we can expect from the next generation of AI.

Improved Contextual Understanding

One of the primary areas for improvement in any AI model is the depth of contextual understanding. ChatGPT-5 could potentially offer even more sophisticated interpretation of user inputs, understanding not just the text but the implied meanings, emotions, and intentions behind words. This would make interactions more fluid and natural, reducing misunderstandings and increasing the model's ability to engage in complex conversations.

Sam Altman, in discussions with the Financial Times, revealed that the upcoming GPT-5 model will be trained on an expanded dataset. This includes not only publicly accessible internet data but also significant proprietary datasets from various organizations, encompassing diverse forms of long-form writing and conversations.

Altman also pointed out the current limitations of GPT-4, noting its restricted reasoning capabilities and inconsistent reliability. He highlighted an ambition for GPT-5: to consistently deliver the kind of high-quality response one might only stumble upon once in 10,000 attempts with its predecessor.

Enhanced Multimodal Capabilities

While ChatGPT versions have primarily focused on text-based interactions, future versions like ChatGPT-5 looks to expand into multimodal AI, capable of understanding and generating responses that include images, audio, and possibly video. This would open up new applications for the technology in creative fields, education, and entertainment.

During an episode of Bill Gates' "Unconfuse Me" podcast in January, Altman emphasized the significance of multimodality in the development of GPT-5, stating, "Multimodality will definitely be important. Which means speech in, speech out. Images. Eventually video. Clearly, people really want that. We’ll be able to push that much further but maybe the most important areas of progress will be around reasoning ability."

Personalization and Adaptation

Another big step in future iterations would be the ability to offer personalized experiences. Adapting to users' communication styles, preferences, and needs over time could enable ChatGPT-5 to become more of a personal assistant. Learning from interactions to provide more tailored information, reminders, and suggestions that align with individual user habits and schedules.

Greater Reliability and Ethical Considerations

As AI becomes more integrated into critical areas of life and business, reliability, safety, and ethical use become increasingly important. ChatGPT-5 would likely incorporate advanced measures to ensure data privacy, user safety, and mitigation of bias. Ensuring the ethical use of AI and preventing misuse would be central to its design and deployment.


OpenAI’s most recent release, GPT-4 Turbo, showcased improvements over GPT-4, including updated knowledge up to April 2023 (as opposed to GPT-4's 2021 cutoff), the ability to process longer prompts equivalent to a 300-page book, enhanced instruction-following abilities, and the seamless integration of various tools like the Dall-E 3 image generator and the Bing search engine in response to user requests.

While specific details about ChatGPT-5 remain speculative until official information is released, the trajectory of AI development suggests that future versions of ChatGPT will continue to push the boundaries of what conversational AI can achieve.


Thousand Dollar Breakfast Club

Laurie Brooks

In the Boston area, a unique gathering of individuals, some long-time friends and others recent connections, meet every few months for breakfast. The occasion is marked by an extraordinary act of kindness: they collectively tip their server a substantial gift, aptly reflected in the group's name, the Thousand Dollar Breakfast Club.

The initiative was started by Richard Brooks, an attorney, with encouragement from his wife Laurie. While group's name suggests a $1,000 gift, they often exceed this amount, with one lucky server recently receiving a $2,050 tip. The sum varies depending on the number of participants, with each member contributing $100 towards the tip.

Brooks, 64, shared his personal connection to the gesture with Nice News, saying, “I was a waiter, so I know what it’s like to get a tip. And I still remember my first tip that was big, and it was a whopping $20. And I still remember it because I was paying myself through school.”

The concept for the Thousand Dollar Breakfast Club was inspired by a story Brooks heard from his brother about a similar generous act at a group meal. Brooks, who has a tradition of randomly giving out $100 bills to brighten people's days, was immediately captivated by the idea. On January 2, 2023, he took to Facebook to create his version of the group, inviting anyone interested to join. The response was swift, with about a dozen people eager to participate.

Their first meeting took place at an iHop three months later, where they left a $1,400 tip. The club has grown in popularity, covered by both local and national media, but Brooks maintains a rotating email list of around 30 people to keep the gatherings manageable.

Brooks expressed his desire to inspire others, saying, “It’s amazing how many people reach out to you in different ways. And I had a few people that wanted to join, and I was like, ‘You know, I have enough people in my group. What I want you to do, though, is start your own.’”

The club not only impacts the lives of those who receive their generosity but also fosters a sense of community among its members, who often spend hours together beyond the meal. One recipient, Roberto Rivas, a teacher and weekend waiter, was moved nearly to tears by a $1,600 tip that helped him purchase hearing aids for his mother.

The influence of the Thousand Dollar Breakfast Club extends even beyond its immediate circle. Brooks recounted an interaction with another server who was touched by the group's gesture, hoping to one day replicate it with his friends. Brooks reflected, “That made an impression on that kid. Maybe he’ll do it, maybe he won’t, but it certainly will change his view on life a little bit.”

I think this idea is absolutely wonderful and deserves to be replicated many more times. So glad to see people doing this type of thing.

World News

Hiking Through History


Mexico’s first long-distance hiking and cycling trail has just opened in the Yucatán Peninsula. It passes through former Spanish estates, sacred freshwater sinkholes and various archeological sites, taking you on a tour of where the first Maya cities were built almost 3,000 years ago.

The Camino del Mayab is a little more than 100 kilometres long. It takes about five days to walk, and passes through 14 Maya communities. The people who live in those communities helped to develop the trail.

Local wildlife includes the turquoise-coloured motmot bird and several types of iguanas. Visitors can also stop in at restaurants offering Maya cuisine or stay in a thatched-roof cabana.

This sound like a fascinating trail to hike or cycle!


First Photos of 'Lost Bird' Missing for Two Decades Captured

Credit: Matt Brady / The University of Texas at El Paso

Scientists have recently captured images of the Yellow-crested Helmetshrike, a bird species in Africa that hadn't been seen for almost two decades. The American Bird Conservancy had classified it as a 'lost bird' due to the prolonged absence of sightings.

During a six-week expedition to a mountain range in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, researchers from the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) stumbled upon a small flock of these elusive birds. UTEP assistant professor Michael Harvey, Ph.D., an ornithologist, described the encounter as unexpected and remarkable.

The expedition, led by Harvey and UTEP Professor Eli Greenbaum, Ph.D., covered 75 miles on foot through the Itombwe Massif mountains, studying various species. The helmetshrike, a distinctive black bird with a vibrant yellow "helmet," was found in noisy groups in the mid-layer of forest vegetation at three different sites.

Harvey stated that the bird is exclusive to the western slopes of the Albertine Rift in Central Africa, a region previously difficult to access due to conflict and security concerns, but now safer for exploration. The discovery raises hope for a reasonably healthy population of the species in the remote forests of the area.

Considering the growing threats of mining, logging, and agriculture encroaching on the Itombwe range, the team is collaborating with other researchers and conservation organizations to develop strategies for protecting the helmetshrikes. Harvey stressed the current opportunity to safeguard tropical forests and prevent the loss of species like the helmetshrike before thorough study and understanding.

The expedition, conducted from December 2023 to January 2024, also revealed other significant findings, such as the rediscovery of the Red-bellied Squeaker Frog (Arthroleptis hematogaster), unseen since the 1950s.

UTEP Dean of the College of Science hopes that these discoveries will serve as a source of inspiration for students and scientists globally, shedding light on the importance of conservation efforts in preserving unique and endangered species.

Happy Thankful Thursday!

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The Daily Upsider Team 🌞 

Mind Stretchers


Figure out this rebus puzzle ;)

Yesterday’s Answers to the Mind Stretchers:
45  By using forward letter position, we have,
CUP = C + U + P = 3 + 21 + 16 = 40.
Similarly, KITE = K + I + T + E = 11 + 9 + 20 + 5 = 45.

Shout-out goes to Albert Knox for getting the correct answer first!

Be the first to send us the correct answer for today’s mind stretcher for a shout-out with the answer tomorrow. Just send us the answer and your name to [email protected] or reply to email.

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