🌞 Economic Collapse Averted?

Daily Digest - Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

Good Morning! 🌞

Last week, we started a competition for our weekly mind stretchers. Here are the results:

Albert Knox and Galen Garretson  are sharing 1st place, each getting 3 correct answers. Congrats!!

Coming in at a close second are Chris Hostetler and Linda Runatz, who both got 2 answers correct.

We honestly never expected to get so much interest for our daily riddles and are very happy that so many of you enjoy them.

Stay tuned for a bigger competition starting soon, involving real prizes!!

Today’s Upside

World Economy

Economic Collapse Averted in Worlds 2nd Largest Economy

China's economy is at a crucial juncture as it seeks to mend its financial structure and fend off a looming financial crisis. The challenges it faces are multifaceted, stemming from a complex interplay of debt, deflation, de-risking, and demographic shifts.

China has now embarked on a series of policy adjustments and reforms aimed at revitalizing its economy and ensuring long-term growth.

In 2023, China's GDP grew by 5.2%, surpassing its official target and giving hope for a successful course correction. While there are still significant hurtles, this growth could be significant for China maintain momentum in its recovery​​​​.

The Chinese government has proactively introduced a range of measures to stabilize the economy and foster growth. Key among these is the adjustment of monetary and fiscal policies to support employment, stabilize growth expectations, and enhance economic stability. The implementation of structural tax and fee cuts, alongside fiscal and tax reforms, underscores the government's commitment to creating a conducive environment for economic recovery and sustainable development. An ambitious plan to issue 1 trillion yuan ($139 billion) in sovereign bonds furthers this approach, aimed at bolstering fiscal spending and supporting strategic economic sectors​​.

A pivotal move by China's central bank to reduce the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for commercial banks by 50 basis points is set to inject approximately 1 trillion yuan ($140 billion) into the economy. Alongside a reduction in re-lending and rediscount rates for loans designated for small firms and agricultural businesses. These decisive actions are designed to alleviate liquidity concerns, boost investor confidence, and stimulate economic activity. Such monetary policy adjustments are critical components of China's strategy to navigate current economic challenges and pave the way for future growth​​.

The city of Shanghai, as a financial and commercial hub, has introduced initiatives to attract foreign direct investment by offering financing and land-use support. This proactive stance not only aims to meet local economic growth targets but also reflects a broader national strategy to open up the economy to international investors and diversify the sources of economic growth​​.

The sentiment among foreign investors remains cautious. Concerns about China's property sector and the need for restructuring are still present. With a notable shift in investment strategies, with investors being advised to be more selective in their choices due to sector-specific challenges. Overall sentiment will likely stay this way until it is more clear how well the Chinese government’s plans will turn out.

Despite these efforts and the mixed sentiment from foreign investors, China is poised to continue its push towards recovery, focusing on manufacturing, green investments, and consumption as key growth drivers. However, challenges from external demand and the ongoing property sector downturn highlight the need for sustained policy support and structural reforms​​. The situation remains dynamic, with the global community closely watching China's policy maneuvers and their implications for the international economic landscape.

An economic downturn in China could have severe repercussions, not just for its own people, but for the rest of the world as well. Given the critical role China plays in global markets, its collapse would disrupt international trade, spike prices, and potentially lead to a worldwide economic crisis. While the Chinese government's approach to governance is most certainly evil and tyrannical, hopefully they can navigate this crisis effectively.


Most Americans Say the BEST Part of the Super Bowl is Not the Actual Game

Photo by djanimal

A recent survey of 2,000 Super Bowl viewers indicates that 40% prioritize attending or hosting parties over watching the game at home. However, the average time spent watching the actual athletes during the 3-hour broadcast was only 29 minutes.

Nearly one-third of respondents spent more time at the snack and food table than in front of the TV, dragging down the overall viewing time. Despite 9% being unsure about the teams playing this year, one-third correctly identified the Kansas City Chiefs as last year's champions.

Beyond athletic play, the survey by OnePoll for Char-Broil highlighted key interests:

  • 55% look forward to the half-time show

  • 45% are eager to see the commercials

  • 40% enjoy the drinks

  • 38% are interested in the on-field competition

Pro-tip for partygoers: majority find it rude to talk in the same room during the game, so head to the kitchen. Hosting a Super Bowl party is a serious affair, with respondents spending an average of eight days planning the menu, inviting guests, and preparing.

A lot invest more time planning for the Super Bowl party than for holidays or graduations . For the ultimate game-time snacks, most believe that food is crucial. Top choices include chips, dips, hot dogs, pizza, and hamburgers.

Preparations start five hours before the game, with an average of three people assisting. The perfect Super Bowl snack, according to 64%, is something relevant to the game, such as Philly cheesesteaks for the Eagles or barbecue for Kansas City. Tom Penner, CEO of Char-Broil, emphasizes that Super Bowl gatherings are about celebrating with friends and great food.

World News

Missing Klimt Portrait Could Sell for $54 Million

Roland Schlager/APA/AFP via Getty Images

Gustav Klimt's long-lost painting, the "Portrait of Fräulein Lieser," is set to be auctioned this spring and is anticipated to reach a value of up to $54 million. The artwork, presumed to be one of Klimt's final pieces, had been missing for almost a century but was privately owned by an Austrian citizen.

The Vienna auction house im Kinsky (no, that is not a typo) which made the rediscovery, stated that the painting is expected to generate significant interest in the art world. The vivid and colorful piece, previously only seen in black and white photos, depicts a member of a wealthy Austrian Jewish family from the upper echelons of Viennese society.

While catalogues initially indicated that Adolf Lieser commissioned Klimt to paint his daughter, Margarethe Constance, recent research suggests that Lilly Lieser, the wife of Justus Lieser (Adolf Lieser brother), may have hired the artist to paint one of their daughters.

The three-quarter portrait, featuring a young woman in a frontal pose against a red background, showcases Klimt's late-period style with intense colors and loose brushstrokes. The artist passed away in February 1918, leaving the painting incomplete in his studio. It was then given to the Lieser family.

Klimt's portraits of women are rarely offered at auctions, and the rarity, artistic significance, and value of the "Portrait of Fräulein Lieser" make it a notable addition to the art market. The painting will tour internationally before the April 24 auction, making stops in Switzerland, Germany, Britain, and Hong Kong.


‘The Greatest Night in Pop’ Makes a Trip Down Memory Lane

NETFLIX: Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson

"The Greatest Night in Pop" is a documentary about the creation of "We Are the World" nearly 40 years ago. While more enjoyable for those who experienced that era, the film is filled with anecdotes. Lionel Richie serves as a guide, taking viewers through the events of that time.

The documentary sheds light on the assembly of musical stars in 1985 for a charity effort after the American Music Awards. Organizers faced challenges, including the urgency to get everything right in one night and managing various personalities. Directed by Bao Nguyen, the film uses footage and interviews to provide a behind-the-scenes look.

Amusing moments, like Stevie Wonder leading Ray Charles to the bathroom and Diana Ross asking for autographs, add some entertainment. Artists like Cindi Lauper, Huey Lewis, and Bruce Springsteen share their perspectives.

Beyond nostalgia, the documentary highlights the unity of stars for a common cause and their appreciation for each other's work. Watching may result in humming "We Are the World" for days, but it's a small price for a glimpse into this gathering of musical figures and the events of that night when egos were mostly set aside.

"The Greatest Night in Pop" is already streaming on Netflix for those interested in reliving this iconic musical moment


Here’s some quick tips that you can start doing to stay safe online!


  • Use a firewall to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Install and enable auto-updates for anti-virus and anti-spyware software.

Cell Phone:

  • Lock your phone with a unique passcode.

  • Install anti-virus software and check for connected devices.

  • Review location and privacy settings to control information sharing.

  • Turn off Bluetooth and limit app location features.


  • Keep your web browser updated to avoid vulnerabilities.

  • Be cautious about sharing personal information online.

  • Avoid sensitive activities on unsecured wireless networks.

  • Verify websites with HTTPS for secure browsing. (the lock symbol by the url)

  • Use a VPN service when using public WiFi


  • Change default passwords and use strong, unique passwords.

  • Test password strength using tools like www.howsecureismypassword.net.

  • Use different passwords for each account.

  • Never share passwords, even in personal relationships.

  • Avoid reusing old passwords, especially on public computers.

  • It can be very hard to remember all your passwords if they are different. Consider using a password manager.

Mind Stretchers


A girl meets a lion and unicorn in the forest. The lion lies every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the other days he speaks the truth. The unicorn lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and the other days of the week he speaks the truth. “Yesterday I was lying,” the lion told the girl. “So was I,” said the unicorn. What day is it?

Answer to yesterday’s Mind Stretchers:
A mirror!

Chris Hostetler got this one first!

Be the first to send us the correct answer for today’s mind stretcher for a shout-out with the answer tomorrow. Just send us the answer and your name to [email protected]

From the Community

If you have any uplifting stories and experience you might want to share, send those over to [email protected] for the chance to be featured.


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