🌞 NASA Releases Stunning Images

Daily Upsider - Wednesday, March 20th, 2024

Wednesday, March 20th, 2024

Good Morning! 🌞 

Make sure to check out the images released by NASA, linked in the article below! They are incredible!

Today’s Upside


NASA Releases Stunning Images

Spiral galaxies though James Webb Space Telescope – NASA

NASA recently shared an impressive collection of 19 images depicting 13 spiral galaxies, a feat made possible by the James Webb Space Telescope. These galaxies are part of the Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS (PHANGS) initiative, which engages over 150 astronomers globally in its efforts.

The space agency expressed its fascination with these celestial structures, stating, “It’s oh-so-easy to be absolutely mesmerized by these spiral galaxies. Follow their clearly defined arms, which are brimming with stars, to their centers, where there may be old star clusters and – sometimes – active supermassive black holes.” This initiative showcases the unique ability of the James Webb Space Telescope to capture detailed imagery of galaxies in a combination of near and mid-infrared light, unlike any other existing telescopic technology.

Janice Lee, a project scientist for strategic initiatives at the Space Telescope Science Institute, remarked, “Webb’s new images are extraordinary. They’re mind-blowing even for researchers who have studied these same galaxies for decades.” She elaborated on the level of detail now observable, pointing out how the telescope's capabilities have unveiled previously unseen aspects of star formation.

The images detail both the vastness and intricacies within these spiral galaxies, made possible by the telescope's sensitivity to infrared light. This sensitivity is crucial because many dim stars and gas or dust clouds do not emit enough visible light on their own but can be observed in the infrared spectrum.

Thomas Williams, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford, shared his experience working with these images, saying, “I feel like our team lives in a constant state of being overwhelmed—in a positive way—by the amount of detail in these images.” The NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) of the telescope captured millions of stars in these images, which appear in blue tones. Some stars are dispersed across the spiral arms, while others are densely packed in star clusters. Furthermore, the telescope's MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) data brings out the glowing dust, revealing stars in early stages of formation encased in gas and dust, likened to "bright red seeds at the tips of dusty peaks."

If you want to see all the images, you can find them here. 

Important: If you want to see the highest resolution images, click on the “Webb and Hubble” images, which show images of the same galaxies shown though the Webb and Hubble telescopes. Then click on “Zoom Image” and that will give you the full Webb image.

They are absolutely stunning, I would highly recommend checking them out.


How to Keep a City Cool?

It has long been known that cities generally get hotter than the surrounding landscape. Urban planners then face the challenge of maintaining cooler city environments. One innovative approach could be the expansion of botanical gardens.

A detailed investigation by scholars at the Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCCAR) has shed light on the significant role green spaces play in reducing urban heat. Their research reveals that botanical gardens can lower local air temperatures by up to 5°C (9°F) during heatwaves, with parks and wetlands exhibiting comparable cooling effects. This insight is poised to guide future urban planning strategies.

The importance of green spaces and water bodies in cooling urban areas has been recognized for some time. Still, as GCCAR's director, Prof Prashant Kumar, who spearheaded the study, notes, "This study gives us the most comprehensive picture yet. Moreover, we can explain why. From trees providing shade, to evaporating water cooling the air."

These findings reinforced the critical role that botanical gardens and similar green spaces can play in mitigating heat in urban settings, demonstrating the need for thoughtful integration of natural elements in city planning.

US News

Amazing Rescue of Trapped Semi-Truck Driver

WHAS via GMA video

Last week in downtown Louisville, Kentucky, a heart-stopping incident occurred on the Clark Memorial Bridge when a semi-tractor trailer was left teetering on the edge, almost falling into the water below. The Louisville Fire Department responded swiftly, arriving on the scene within minutes to address the precarious situation.

Fire Chief Brian O'Neill highlighted the rescue operation, which was swiftly executed using a technique known as a 'pickoff.' Firefighter Bryce Carden played a crucial role in the rescue, being lowered by harness to reach the driver, who was secured in the cab by her seatbelt. The teamwork and precision of the rescue effort ensured that the driver was safely extracted and back on solid ground in less than 40 minutes.

The Louisville Fire Department's quick and effective response earned widespread praise. “The first responders did an amazing job,” the department stated on social media, emphasizing the collective effort behind the successful rescue. Fire Chief O'Neill expressed his pride in the team, acknowledging their constant training for such scenarios as pivotal in the operation's success.

This event was not just a showcase of the fire department's dedication and skill but also highlighted the miraculous circumstances under which the truck was caught by the bridge's structure, preventing a potentially tragic outcome. Firefighter Carden, reflecting on the incident to GMA, noted the extraordinary luck involved, stating, “She is incredibly fortunate that the semi truck threaded the needle of those bridge stanchions…getting wedged in there.”

The bravery and expertise of the Louisville Fire Department's first responders turned a potentially tragic situation into a testament to the value of preparedness and teamwork.

Check out a longer video here as well as an short interview with the firefighter.


Global Recycling Day

Global Recycling Day was introduced in 2015 by Ranjit S. Baxi, the president of the Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), during the World Recycling Convention. The actual celebration began in 2018, on March 18, marking the 70th anniversary of the Bureau.

In collaboration with the Global Recycling Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting the recycling industry worldwide.

The day encourages a collective approach to address the issue, recognizing "recycling heroes" from the previous year. Shifting the mindset from viewing items as "waste" to considering them as valuable resources is highlighted as a positive step towards addressing recycling challenges.

Annually, Global Recycling Day serves as a reminder to reduce waste and encourages individuals to voice concerns against governments and corporations that fall short in fulfilling their responsibilities.

The Impact of Self-Compassion on Weight Loss Goals

Navigating weight loss in a world saturated with tempting, high-calorie foods is undeniably challenging. Despite the best intentions, the common pitfalls of overeating often lead to frustration and the abandonment of well-laid weight loss goals.

In a groundbreaking study involving 140 participants enrolled in a weight loss program, the Center for Weight, Eating, and Lifestyle Sciences (WELL Center) at Drexel University uncovered a fascinating link between self-compassion and successful weight management. Particularly, individuals embracing self-kindness exhibited reduced negative emotions in the aftermath of dietary lapses. This positive mindset not only alleviated guilt but also fostered a more optimistic outlook, empowering participants to regain control over their eating habits.

Published in the prestigious journal Appetite, the research sheds light on the profound impact of self-compassion on mood and self-control following dietary setbacks. Participants, actively engaged in a group-based lifestyle modification program, provided real-time insights into their experiences through smartphone surveys. The findings point to self-compassion as a key factor in swiftly bouncing back from lapses and resuming the pursuit of weight loss goals.

Dr. Charlotte Hagerman, the lead author and esteemed assistant research professor, champions the role of self-compassion in overcoming self-defeating thoughts associated with setbacks. Far from fostering complacency, self-compassion emerges as a powerful tool for individuals to navigate the intricate path of weight loss with resilience and determination.

Hagerman encourages a shift away from self-blame in the face of our challenging food environment. Instead, she advocates for self-compassion as an essential strategy, suggesting that individuals speak to themselves with kindness, acknowledging the inherent difficulties of weight loss in today's world.

The research team envisions these findings as a catalyst for more effective interventions and strategies to minimize self-blame and criticism. Their goal is to empower individuals to hold themselves accountable to personal standards and goals while embracing the transformative synergy of self-compassion and accountability on the journey to successful weight loss.

They can be harbored, but few hold water. You can nurse them, but only by holding them against someone else. You can carry them, but not with your arms. You can bury them, but not in the earth.

Yesterday’s Answer:
Your thumb 👍️

Shout-out goes to Nnaemeka David for getting the correct answer first!

Be the first to send us the correct answer for today’s mind stretcher for a shout-out with the answer tomorrow. Just send us the answer and your name to [email protected]

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