🌞 Ocean Photograph of the Year!

Daily Upsider - Monday, February 5th, 2024

Monday, February 5th, 2024

Good Morning! 🌞  

Did you know that A Single Tree Can Create a Rainforest Microclimate?

 The Amazon rainforest's Kapok trees can grow to a staggering 200 feet in height. These giants can create their own microclimates within the rainforest. The canopy of a single large tree can house hundreds of species of plants, insects, birds, and other animals. The tree's presence significantly alters the temperature, humidity, and light levels below, effectively hosting a mini-ecosystem within the larger rainforest.

Today’s Upside


Wolf Problems…

If you go back a couple hundred of years, most people probably liked the idea of having no wolves prowling around outside their house. Fast forward to now, and that has (partially) changed. On one hand, when you get rid of all the predators, the prey population can get out of hand. This can cause problems with disease and unbalanced eco-systems.

On the other had, wolves are awesome! So it would be a real shame if they went extinct. So, the general balance people try to strike is having some wolves in parks and wild-life reserves. This seems like a reasonable compromise. We get wolves, and the wolves don't get us... hopefully.

This brings us to the Netherlands. They have been growing the wolf population in their wildlife parks. The only problem - some wolves are getting a little too used to humans walking around.

In a notable development in wildlife management in the Netherlands, the Central Netherlands District Court has allowed the province of Gelderland to use paintball guns to deter wolves in De Hoge Veluwe National Park. This decision comes after a period of research and deliberation on the best methods to manage interactions between wolves and humans in the park.

The court's ruling was influenced by concerns about public safety, particularly in light of reports of a female wolf in the park that has been approaching hikers and cyclists at a close distance. This behavior was considered abnormal and a serious threat to public safety. The court concluded that there was no other satisfactory solution than using paintball guns to discourage the wolf from such interactions, as long as the tool is used correctly and not aimed at sensitive areas like the eyes of the animals.

This decision represents a balancing act between protecting public safety and respecting the status of wolves as a protected species. It follows a period where the province of Gelderland's initial plan was deemed carelessly prepared and insufficiently motivated, lacking conclusive evidence of the wolf exhibiting problem behavior and exploration of alternatives to the paintball gun.

We will certainly see more of these types of problems emerge as conservation efforts of the more dangerous species continue. But, luckily there usually seems to be a pretty good way of dealing with it without causing much harm. (Funny enough, I have been shot with a paintball gun before, so I guess I am speaking from experience)

World News

Ocean Photograph of the Year

Jialing Cai

The Ocean Photographer of the Year 2023 competition, organized by Oceanographic Magazine, showcased a stunning array of underwater photography, highlighting the beauty and diversity of ocean life.

Jialing Cai, a marine biologist and amateur photographer, claimed the top honor as the Ocean Photographer of the Year with her mesmerizing image of a paper nautilus adrift on a piece of debris in the Philippines. This image, captured during a blackwater dive following a volcanic eruption, has a serene and almost fairytale-like quality amidst the natural disaster's aftermath.

The competition also had several other categories, such as the Wildlife and Ocean Portfolio award.

These winning images, along with others, will be featured in a five-month-long exhibition at the Australian National Maritime Museum, offering a unique opportunity to view these incredible works in person.

Luckily for us, we can view them by going to their online gallery. You can see each category winner, as well as the 2nd and 3rd place contestants. They are all absolutely amazing, as you can probably tell from the image up top


Teen Overcomes Cerebral Palsy to Win Bodybuilding Title

Instagram – @hunter_moore_123

Hunter Moore, a teen athlete, faces a unique challenge – Dystonic Cerebral Palsy resulting from an infant stroke, causing partial paralysis on his left side.

He jokingly attributes his impressive physique to genetics, flexing his nearly 20-inch bicep. However, Hunter's genetic makeup is not one of innate athletic advantage but rather a hurdle he's had to overcome.

Growing up in a military family, Hunter was instilled with values that emphasized perseverance and proving doubters wrong. These values fueled his determination to sculpt a body capable of excelling in sports. For seven years, he consistently secured spots on his school's soccer teams. Today, he proudly serves as the long snapper for his junior varsity football team, regularly achieving weightlifting feats that would impress even an able-bodied athlete.

Despite the challenge of his left arm's limited functionality, Hunter strives for symmetry, a crucial aspect of bodybuilding judging criteria. He ingeniously incorporates his left arm whenever possible, wrapping it around a bar and prying it away from its usual position tucked into his armpit, enabling him to perform exercises like squats and deadlifts.

Last summer, Hunter competed in the Professional Natural Bodybuilding Association, where he astoundingly pressed 120 lbs. with a single arm and deadlifted an impressive 405 lbs. His determination and hard work paid off as he clinched first place in his category in Dallas, Texas. He continued to showcase his talents in November in Las Vegas, securing the top spot in the professional class for Men's Disabled Standing.

In a candid interview with Joker Magazine, Hunter confessed that stepping onto the stage to pose was one of the most daunting challenges he had ever faced. However, the resounding whistles and cheers he received served as tangible rewards for his extraordinary dedication—a level of commitment that few, regardless of ability, can match.

With unwavering determination, Hunter declared, "I will define myself and not let cerebral palsy or anyone else define me." He shared his aspirations with Joker Magazine, revealing plans to attend university to study marine biology while also pursuing a career in motivational speaking. Hunter Moore's journey exemplifies the power of determination and resilience in overcoming life's challenges.


Ghanaian Woman is Revolutionizing Transportation

Delivery drivers on their Wahu! bikes – courtesy of Valerie Labi-Wahu Mobility

Valerie Labi, a Ghanaian-English entrepreneur, has launched electric bikes through her company, Wahu!, with the aim of addressing transportation challenges in Accra, Ghana. The bikes, assembled by hand in Spintex, Accra, boast an impressive 80-mile range, making them suitable for delivery riders. This capability allows riders for services like Glovo or Bolt to cover an entire day's work without the need for refueling.

Accra struggles with air quality issues arising from poor roads, traffic congestion, and dust. Wahu! bikes are designed to alleviate these problems by providing a greener alternative to traditional modes of transportation.

Labi, also known as Gundugu Sabtanaa, initially entered the Ghanaian economy with the sanitation enterprise Sama Sama. Reflecting on the journey, Labi mentioned, “It took us two years to effectively design a bike that we thought was fit for the African road, then we connected with Jumia and other delivery companies to get started. Currently, I have over 100 bikes in circulation, and we provide them on a 'work and pay' basis directly to delivery riders.”

According to Labi, each driver pays about 300 Ghana cedis, or approximately $24.00, per week to use the bike, which can travel at speeds of 24 miles per hour and carry loads exceeding 300 pounds. The bikes are equipped with fat tires and supported by a double-crown front/double-spring rear suspension for enhanced performance and durability.

Mind Stretchers 


I make two people out of one. What am I?

The answer to yesterday’s Mind Stretcher was:
A windmill

Ed Murphy was the first to get the answer correct. Nice job Ed!

Be the first to send us the correct answer for today’s mind stretcher for a shout-out with the answer tomorrow. Just send us the answer and your name to [email protected] or reply to this email.

From the Community

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