🌞 Potential HIV Cure?

Daily Upsider - Thursday, April 4th, 2024

Thursday, April 4th 2024

Good Morning! 🌞 

You might have heard the commonly repeated “fact” that we have giant sloths to thank for helping spread the avocado plant across central and south America. You might have even read it in magazines or heard it from YouTube videos.

However, the truth is quite a bit different. If you are interested, check out this video from SciShow.

Today’s Upside


Potential HIV Cure?

Credit: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

A recent study has revealed a potential future treatment for HIV involving the use of molecular tools to remove HIV DNA from infected cells. This technique employs CRISPR-Cas gene editing technology, recognized for its precision in altering a patient's genetic makeup, an achievement acknowledged with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020.

HIV poses a challenge in treatment due to its ability to integrate into the host's DNA, complicating eradication efforts. However, CRISPR-Cas offers a promising avenue to target and isolate HIV DNA

Given the virus's ability to infect diverse cells and tissues in the body, researchers aim to develop a method effective across these different environments.

The study, to be presented at the upcoming European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, utilized CRISPR-Cas along with specific guide RNAs to target conserved HIV sequences. This approach demonstrated significant antiviral efficacy, effectively neutralizing HIV and removing viral DNA.

Associate Professor Elena Herrera Carrillo from the University of Amsterdam AMC emphasized the significance of these findings, describing them as a step forward in developing a cure strategy.

Although the path to clinical application is long, the researchers are encouraged by these initial results. Currently, HIV is managed with antiretroviral medication, but true cures remain elusive. Dr. Carrillo stressed the importance of balancing efficacy and safety in this potential cure strategy.


Jasmin Paris: First Woman to Finish Barkley Marathon

Felicity McCabe/Guardian/eyevine/Redux

British runner Jasmin Paris made history by becoming the first woman to complete the grueling Barkley Marathons. Paris crossed the finish line with a time of 59 hours, 58 minutes, and 21 seconds, a mere 99 seconds before the 60-hour limit, collapsing in exhaustion as she finished.

Paris joined a select group of five finishers in the 2024 Barkley Marathons, including Ukrainian Ihor Verys who finished first, followed by Americans John Kelly and Jared Campbell in second and third place, respectively, and Greig Hamilton from New Zealand in fourth.

Paris gained recognition in 2019 for winning the Spine Race, setting a new record and becoming the first woman to win the 268-mile race.

The Barkley Marathons, known for its extreme difficulty, is considered one of the toughest foot races globally. Held in Tennessee's Frozen Head State Park, the race was inspired by the 1977 prison escape of James Earl Ray, with its challenging terrain and unpredictable conditions.

Participants tackle five loops of roughly 20 miles each, totaling between 100 to 130 miles, with an elevation gain of approximately 63,000 feet. Runners navigate steep inclines and rough terrain without aid stations, phones, or GPS, often getting lost or injured along the way.

The race features unique unmanned checkpoints, where athletes must tear out a page from a corresponding paperback book to prove they reached each checkpoint.

With a dropout rate of 99%, the Barkley Marathons present a formidable challenge, with no finishers between 2017 and 2023.


Hippo’s Zen Moment

Every now and then, don't we all just crave some chill time, where nothing else matters?
Maybe even treat ourselves to a little spa day with a massage?

Check out this video of a hippo totally vibing with that exact idea! 😄 

World News

National Burrito Day!

National Burrito Day, observed annually on the first Thursday in April (April 4 this year), is a celebration of the beloved burrito. This Mexican dish has gained widespread popularity worldwide since its introduction to American restaurants in the 1930s.

The origins of the burrito trace back to Mexican culture, with the earliest documented mention found in the "Dictionary of Mexicanisms" in 1895. The term "burrito," meaning "little donkey" in Spanish, likely alludes to the compact bundles carried by donkeys, resembling the rolled tortilla filled with meat or other ingredients.

Initially popularized in regions like Guanajuato and Guerrero, the burrito eventually made its way north to the United States, where it underwent various adaptations. The modern burrito, characterized by its stuffed tortilla filled with beans, hot sauce, and an array of other ingredients, emerged in California during the 1930s, notably appearing on menus at establishments such as the El Cholo Spanish Café in Los Angeles.

Over time, the burrito evolved further, with American variations featuring diverse ingredients, contrasting with the simpler meat and bean fillings of traditional Mexican burritos. Innovations such as frozen burritos, chimichangas (fried burritos), and breakfast burritos, introduced by establishments like Tia Sophia's in Santa Fe, New Mexico, have further enriched the burrito's culinary landscape.

Today, the burrito stands as one of the most universally enjoyed Mexican dishes worldwide, offering a delicious amalgamation of flavors and ingredients.

Where’s your go-to burrito place? Send us some recommendations! 🌯 

Ever notice how the little things, like a warm cup of coffee or a friendly smile, can turn a rough day around? Being grateful for these simple moments packs a powerful punch, grounding us and bringing a dose of joy to our everyday lives.

Today we share the top 5 things we are most grateful for this week, these are things that are all too common that we sometimes forget to be thankful about them.

  1. We're grateful for the ability to Google any question because it's like having a super-smart friend who knows everything and is always ready to help us out of a jam.

  2. GPS is our lifesaver when we're wandering lost in the maze of city streets or navigating through unfamiliar territory, ensuring we never have to suffer the dreaded "are we there yet?" moments.

  3. Our pets are our furry therapists, mood boosters, and cuddle buddies rolled into one, always there to lift our spirits with their goofy antics and unwavering affection.

  4. Weekends are our well-deserved mini-vacations from the daily grind, where we can kick back, binge-watch our favorite shows, and indulge in brunch without worrying about deadlines or schedules.

  5. Food delivery services are the unsung heroes of lazy nights and busy days, swooping in with delicious meals just when our hunger pangs are at their most ferocious, saving us from the eternal struggle of deciding what to cook.

What are the things you are most grateful for today?

Mind Stretchers


How do you get pies to work for the government?

Yesterday’s Answers to the Mind Stretchers:
Under letter “A” 😂 (as in a filing cabinet)

Jennye Smith got the correct answer first with her answer of “AX”, which is a bit more specific than was strictly necessary, but that just means she gets bonus points. 😄 

Be the first to send us the correct answer for today’s mind stretcher for a shout-out with the answer tomorrow. Just send us the answer and your name to [email protected] or reply to email.

From the Community

If you have any uplifting stories and experience you might want to share, send those over to [email protected] for the chance to be featured.


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